Coral Bay, Paphos, Cyprus - June 2016

A week of activity and adventure with family and friends around the coast of western Cyprus.


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(1) The view from my hotel balcony (rm515, Coral Thalassa Hotel).
(2) A view of Coral Bay, popular with tourists and coastal cruises.
(3) Another shot of Coral Bay.
(4) Our kayaking adventure run by Zephyros Adventure Sports, during which we paddled along the coast north of Coral Bay, with a few landings to explore the caves and other natural features in the rugged limestone bordering the sea.
(5) All six of the canoeists lined up. I really like these sit-on kayaks which are so stable and easy to handle.
(6) Below: Tod, me, Ian and Sam - all on the rocks!
(7) Below: Me and brother on the Mediterranean.
(8) Below: Exploring one of the caves along the coast.
(9) On the penultimate day, Tod drove us to the rugged coastline near Polis. Here is typical scenery as we walked on after visiting the Aphrodites well & nature trail.
(10) A tranquil cove below the cliffs.
(11) Another coastal view - this is just about as far west as you can go in Cyprus.
(12) A merchant ship which has been grounded off the coast (just north of Coral Bay) for some time and likely to remain so.
(13) Another shot of the ship going nowhere (day 6 of 7).
(14) On the last day (Sunday) I ambled about passing time until the late flight home.
Here is Coral Bay, many tourists including Russians enjoying the hot sun and beach.
My hotel can be seen centre right.

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