Robbie achieves his life's ambition

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Bradford's funniest dog

Golden Retriever Robbie has finally achieved his dream of performing as a stand-up (or rather lie-down) comic at a local club.

With advice from his cousin Coco in Devon, Robbie successfully auditioned for the TV show 'Talented Pets' and was given a half hour stint on stage at the local social club.

Asked how he managed to keep his little secret from his family he said he'd sneaked out for a couple of hours unnoticed while his dog-sitter was watching TV.

When asked whether he was going to take up a career as a canine comedian he replied - "No, I've loved my little moment of stardom, but I'm happy at home, playing with my little human friends and sitting in my armchair by the window, watching people go by."

- Robbie died in March 2018, and is sadly missed by many. -