Southwest France - May 2007

Ramblers walking holiday based at Foix and Carcassonne (Cathar Castles).


Photo Gallery

(1) Day 1
Our group overlooking the town of Foix.
(2) Day 2
A cold and damp morning trip to the remains of the castle at Montesegur.
(3) Day 3
The ruins of Roquefixade.
This day had to be the perfect day's walking!
(4) A different view of Roquefixade looking south towards Andorra.
(5) Day 4
The mediaeval village (rather touristy place) of Mirepoix heading for Carcassonne.
(6) Day 5
Stopping for lunch (à la cart) near Rennes-le-chateau.
Some of our group - Left to Right are Betty, David, Brenda, Annie (leader), Ron, Val and Marian.
(8) Day 6
The chateau at Queribus.
(9) Day 7
The four castles at Lastours, a taxi ride north of Carcassonne.
(10) The final walk along the Midi canal back to our hotel in Carcassonne.
The two people in the picture are in fact me and Annie, the leader.

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