Bavaria, Germany - Sept 2006

Ramblers holiday week with Keith to Bonndorf in the Black Forest.


Photo Gallery

(1) The large village of Bonndorf from the north-west.
(2) A view over the gorge of the River Wutach (day 3 of the holiday)
(3) The limestone face in the Wutach gorge where we stopped for lunch.
(4) The small lake below the summit at Feldberg (1493m) on day 4.
(5) The same lake later in the day when we'd walked a few more miles.
(6) View of the disused railway after a drinks stop on day 6.
(7) On the river again, upstream from where we were on Day 3.
(8) The pretty miniature gorge just after our main drinks stop on day 6.
(9) Our final night at the Sonne Gasthof in Bonndorf (Table 1.)
Clockwise: Alan, Doreen, Nigel, Bart, Geoff and Mary.
(10) Table 2 with David, Petra, Clive (leader), Glyn, Rita, Keith and me (not visible).
(11) David, Keith, Petra and Clive.
(12) OK, so I had to put in a picture with me in it.
(13) My long awaited piece of Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Black Forest Gateau), which I couldn't taste anyway because of a flipping cold, however, I'm sure it was good.

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