Jersey - 1-5 October 2007

Walking holiday with Keith, just 4 days of walking but lots of places seen, mainly around the coast.


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Day 2

(1) Looking back to the start point at Etacq on the northwest coast.
(2) The large rock called Gros Nez (big nose).
(3) A seagull moments before it dive-bombed Keith's prawn sandwich as we rested on a beach.
(4) Some Jersey cows we saw as we skirted a rifle range.
(5) Our destination on day 2 was Devil's Hole - this nearby statue may have been him.
Day 3

(6) Keith with Corbière light house.
(St Aubin circular).
(7) Looking east towards the Noirmont peninsula.
(8) The little sandy bay at Beau Port.

(9) The pretty harbour at Rozel.
(10) We stopped at the famous harbour side cafe for a crab butty.

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