Braithwaite, nr Keswick, Cumbria

A short adventure and activity holiday - land, air and water in the Lake District.

(1) Today we drove down to a water sports centre at the northern end of Lake Windermere.
We each hired a sit-on kayak and headed north to the River Rothay mouth.
Going up the river, we beached the kayaks on the bank so I could try and get rid of the puddle of water in my boat.
Not possible as the plastic craft are designed with open drain holes in the bottom.
(2) About a kilometer up-river a stone bridge carries the A593 to Coniston over the river.
Below the bridge all is tranquil on the gently flowing river.
(3) Just beyond the bridge we found we could not navigate any further upstream so we returned to the place where the river forked and took the left fork to another bridge.
Again, the river got shallow and fast and we had come as far as we could.
Time to return south to the mouth of the river.
(4) Tod heads south with the flow.
(5) Where the rivers joined the lake we stopped again, this time to eat our sandwiches. I think this is where there was a Roman fort but there were no obvious signs of former military occupation.
(6) Tod's kayak.
(7) We headed back in slightly choppy waters to the marina on the east side of Windermere.
(8) To use up some of the 4 hours we'd paid for we made a shorter loop along the south shore and then decided to call it a day and return to base.
All in all a good upper body workout, though I got absolutely soaked despite my waterproof trousers.

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