Thames Path hike, a 6 day riverside trek between Oxford and Windsor in July 2021

A six day and seven nights walking holiday with (aunty) Mary and John Taylor.

This was my first riverside long distance walk and a welcome escape from the last 16 months of the infamous Covid 19 global pandemic.

It was not a easy stroll during a hot July, but the rewards both during and after the walks were well worth the effort.

Each day's walk was different, the scenery and buildings reflecting the increasing wealth of the inhabitants.
There were many boats, moored and moving, crews training in their fast 'eights', kayaks, paddle boards and cruisers.

We stayed in different accomodation on each of the seven nights. Every evening we had a meal in a different restaurant.

It was a fantastic week and a great way to get to know a part of England I'd not seen before, except on television.


[Walk day]DateHotelStartEndMiles walkedPhotos
(0)Sat 10 JulyOxford TownhouseTrain travelOxford
(1)Sun 11 JulyThe Cosener's House, Abingdon.OxfordAbingdon10click
(2)Mon 12 JulyCoachmakers Arms, Wallingford.AbingdonWallingford17click
(3)Tues 13 JulyGeorge Hotel, Pangbourne.WallingfordPangbourne13click
(4)Wed 14 JulyLeander Club, Henly on Thames.PangbourneHenley on Thames16.5click
(5)Thur 15 JulyThe Chequers, Marlow.Henley on ThamesMarlow9click
(6)Fri 16 JulyThe Christopher Hotel, Eton.MarlowEton17click
Sat 17 JulyTrain home82.5 total